First Courses

Mezzanelli alla Genovese with Brillenschaf lamb, pecorino cheese and marjoram
25.00 €
( C D G )
Rascatielli, chickpeas, salt cod, and crispy pepper
25.00 €
( B C G )
Fettuccia Pastificio dei Campi, turnip greens in double consistency, cuttlefish and salt lemon
26.00 €
( B E G )
Risotto with Jerusalem artichoke, salt lemon and turmeric
28.00 €
( C D )
Ravioli with ricotta and glazed Val Pusteria potatoes in a speck stock with sage gelato and buckwheat
26.00 €
( A C D G )
Cover charge 5,00€ · Second bread basket 3,00€

Raw materials / Products blast chilled on site
Some fresh food of animal origin and fishery products served raw undergo blast chilling to ensure quality and safety, as described in the HACCP Plan pursuant to Reg. EC 852/04, and Reg. EC 853/04.

Before ordering, customers are invited to inform staff about the need to eat food not containing specific allergens.
All preparations may contain traces of nuts and gluten.

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